(520) 440-4050
Franco I/O Consulting|Tucson, AZ 85747|(520) 440-4050

Upcoming Events

GREAT-Ful Not Satisfied (July 15th-16th) - REGISTRATION CLOSED

Introvert Business Professionals Event & Mastermind

REGISTRATION CLOSED. Please contact me for information on other options or next event dates.

Our program will help introverted individuals tap into their strengths, identify the right area to develop now, and move towards being the leader that drives impact and develops those around them to meet their goals.

This seminar will be led by Eric Franco— a business psychologist with multiple decades of experience working with leadership, career advancement, learning, development, knowledge management, coaching, change management, and many other focus areas.

This event takes place July 15-16, starting at 9 AM PST on both days. Individuals should contact Eric directly to discuss their situation and confirm if this seminar would be a good fit. All attendees will receive an individual report with a list of recommended next steps as well as a 30-day progress plan that you can begin immediately!

Contact Eric to Learn More

More Details

GREAT: This seminar is first about becoming and remaining a GREAT leader. The first step to eliminating attrition due to bad management is for the manager to become a GREAT leader —one that develops their team, knows their strengths, understands communication, knows how to support movement through change, and much more.

FUL: We must also be grateful. This seminar features a component of being thankful for who you are, what you bring, and an overall appreciation of benefits received. Don't hide from your true self.

NOT SATISFIED: Refers to the mindset of growth, learning, and being humble to say you do not have all the answers as the leader. It focuses on being hungry to learn, experience, and continually become a better leader.

To see if this event fits your goals, contact Eric Franco today to learn more!

More Coming Soon

Contact Eric

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